No more work

Today was my last day working at Manuscripts and Archives (and yesterday was my last day sorting through the William Bullitt papers). It was definitely a good summer job for me… $10/hour, low stress, I got much more acquainted with how a world-class library operates, I got to see some interesting source materials (for example, gruesome photos from the Kent State shootings, and a hand-written draft of a congratulatory letter from American diplomat William Bullitt to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek right after the surrender of Japan in WWII), and I built a little bit of muscle hauling all those boxes. Plus, it never hurts for an historian to get in good with the archivists.

They threw me a miniature going-away party at Ashley’s Ice Cream… It was really nice getting all the compliments and appreciative remarks, and even though I’m glad I don’t have to work any more, it was a pleasant environment as far as work goes. Plus, my co-worker Michael offered to help with the move as I was leaving today, which I plan to take him up on.

Now it’s time to start packing for the move to Storrs. Faith is done with her organic chemistry class now, too, so we’ll have pretty much all week.